how do parents teacher associations combat risky behaviour
13 Ways a Parent Teacher Association Can Help a Student with Special Needs
The National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the education of students in the United States, from preschool through high school.Thousands of public and private schools have local PTA units adapted to the unique needs of each school Every unit is run by unpaid volunteers.
What exactly does the PTA do?
The PTA does whatever the school needs to be done.Some PTA activities do not cost anything except volunteer hours, for example, providing volunteers to help students check out library books, or to help the office staff check in late students and deliver lost lunchboxes in the morning.
Most PTA activities require funding, especially academic enrichment and extracurricular support.For these efforts, the PTA raises funds through carnivals, silent auctions, book fairs, membership drives, corporate sponsorship, grants from private foundations and other creative methods.
The ways in which parents-teacher associations combat risky behaviour are:
1. Understand the child and communicating with them in a positive manner.
2. Conveying the negative aspects of such behaviours via several activities or in some innovative way.
3. Tutoring or counselling sessions are an important part.
4. Try to divert their minds and involve them in some other activities.