How do people damage our heritage?
The word ‘culture’ is sometimes used to refer to the highest intellectual endeavours and the pursuit of perfection and beauty. As the poet and critic Matthew Arnold put it, culture is 'the best that has been thought and known in the world'. We now more commonly think of culture as being about beliefs, customs, language and arts of a particular society, group, place, or time and the symbols and expression of shared values, traditions and customs.
Cultural heritage is typically understood to be built heritage, monuments related to culture such as museums, religious buildings, ancient structures and sites. However, we should also include the slightly less material things, i.e., stories, poems, plays, recipes, customs, fashions, designs, music, songs and ceremonies of a place, as cultural heritage. These are vital expressions of a culture and just as important.
People start adapting to the modern world, considering it to be better. So the rich heritages of many families are forgotten. People start to change traditions in which it it is modified and not close to what we knew in the olden times. Even though changes are part of us, it is important to conserve our heritage to pass them on, as they are, to the future generations. This can help keep a family legacy or legends intact.