English, asked by natemwhit, 1 year ago

How do Percy's beliefs about why he attends boarding school differ from those of his mother?


Answered by Jourdynoates


Percy Jackson doesn't know that his father is Poseidon Greek God of the sea which makes him a half-blood ( half God Half human), but his mom dose, Percy's mother believes that attending Yancy will be the solution to Percy's academic and social troubles well at lest thatch what Percy is lead to believe while the true reason is so that she can mask his sent and keeping the unwanted attention from Greek creatures that are out to get him or being one of the big threes children and other mythological creatures that hunt half-bloods . Percy does not like the school and feels even more isolated than before. His grades slip, and he later finds out that he won't be invited back to Yancy the following year, Percy believes he attends the school to get special help but that's not the case at all


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