Biology, asked by aarav1000, 1 year ago

How do plants get nitrogen to synthesize protein??


Answered by Lissaa
plants get nitogen from the soil or by trapping insects
Answered by BlackVenom05

♢ As we know, that nitrogen is the only gas which the world has in major percentage i.e. 78%. So, the nitrogen is all around us. But the nitrogen is in free atmospheric form.

When precipitation takes place and rain drops fall. The free atmospheric nitrogen gets mixed with the rain drops and falls in the ground.

The leguminous plants such as pea, gram, beans,etc., all of these plants synthesis protein. The root nodules of leguminous plants contain certain bacteria i.e. rhizobium bacteria. These bacteria turns the atmospheric nitrogen into soluble form. Then, the roots of plants are able to absorb soluble nitrogen.

♢ Some plants get nitrogen by eating insects. Such plants which eat insects are called insectivorous plants e.g. Venus fly trap, pitcher plant, etc. These plants trap the insects and eat them.

♦ By this process the plants get nitrogen to synthesis protein.

I hope this answer HELPS you.... !

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