How do recent approaches to “embodied interaction” differ from earlier accounts of the role of cognition in human-computer interaction?
Of more relevance to contemporary debates, proponents of embodied cognition must show that this dependence cannot be accommodated within traditional cognitive science and its working commitments (e.g., to the computational and representational theories of mind).
Here the body has a feedback-driven role in cognitive processing, and the Body as Regulator thesis has been especially prominent in dynamic approaches to cognition (e.g., Port and van Gelder 1995; Beer 2000; Thelen and Smith 1994; cf. also Chemero 2009).
Moreover, it is unclear why embodied cognitive science could not also be symbolic, representational, abstract, etc.. Puzzlement here is magnified by the fact that many self-styled embodied approaches to cognition are symbolic, representational, abstract, etc..
Paradigms committed to strong nativism has produced remarkable results in the field of cognitive development of infants, in domains including arithmetic and physics (Baillargeon 2002, Baillargeon et alia 1985; Spelke et alia 1992, 1995).
Cognitive systems learn and interact naturally with humans to extend what either humans or machine could do on their own.
What is the role of cognition in human computer interaction?
- Cognitive systems build on what either humans or machines could do on their own by learning from and interacting with people naturally.
- By navigating the complexities of Big Data, cognitive technologies enable human experts to make better decisions.
- In order to humanise the user interface between humans and computers, a number of innovative technologies such as speech recognition, speech synthesis, question-and-answer systems, image understanding, etc. are being developed.
- Many IT firms are spending money on voice technology research and development as a result of the popularity of smart phones.
- Additionally, we observed that deep learning technology has enabled speech technology to advance significantly during the past five years.