How do scientists identify the animals that existed during the ore - historic period?
Prehistoric means before written history. Humans have been writting for only about 5000 years. This is a mere snap of the fingers in geologic time. Scientist believe the Earth to be at least 4.6 billion years old and maybe as old as 6 billion years. Geologic time marks the period from the birth of the planet Earth to the time of written history.
Geologists use "life" as a way of measuring how old layers of the Earth are. "Life" means plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and monerans that were once alive but are now fossils found in rock. Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that have been preserved in rock. Fossils are usually a skeleton, shell, or plant fiber that has been buried and turned into rock over time. Fossils can also be tracks and traces of these animals, or in some rare cases, the actual plant or animal can be preserved, such as an insect preserved in amber.