How do sunflower reproduces when it is a neuter flower?
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The sunflower reproduces sexually through the method of pollination. [9] On one individual flower, the sunflower contains both the female and male sex organs. On the disk of the sunflower, if looked at closely, one will be able to see a five pointed, fused corolla. This is actually five petals commixed together to make a whole corolla. Found in the center of each corolla, are both the male and female reproductive organs. The anther which contains the pollen, besets the style of the pistil. Then as the style progresses to grow, the pollen is propelled out. This is where the insects, allured by the petals, come find pollen. Once found by the insects, the pollen is picked up and moved to other sunflowers. Then when the style is completely done growing and the pollen is all gone, the style becomes disclosed and waits for pollen left from insects from another flower. [10]
Typically, sunflowers tend to be self sterile. But for a sunflower to produce seeds, it needs pollen from a different sunflower. This is also known as cross-breeding, or in this case, cross-pollination. Occasionally, a sunflower can self-pollinate. Self-pollination produces an inbred line which, when bred with a separate inbred line, will result in a hybrid flower. [11] When signs of Autumn are near, each individual flower on the head will produce a seed. [12] But before the flower sets to seed, the head must open. Once it begins to open, changes begin to happen. Once the head is fully opened, one will be able to see that the individual disk flowers are not yet developed. The head also appears slightly flat. Beginning with the outer edge of the head, the the ring after all the petals, happen to be the male organs: the anthers that produce pollen. The anthers will be leaning in towards the center of the head. After the ring of anthers, come some of the female parts: the style branches. After pollen from another flower has been transported onto the style branches, the disk will begin to shrivel and dry up until it falls. In doing so, it reveals the achenes while the seeds are fully developing. The head of the flower often tilts towards the ground because of the weight of all the seeds on the disk. [13]
Typically, sunflowers tend to be self sterile. But for a sunflower to produce seeds, it needs pollen from a different sunflower. This is also known as cross-breeding, or in this case, cross-pollination. Occasionally, a sunflower can self-pollinate. Self-pollination produces an inbred line which, when bred with a separate inbred line, will result in a hybrid flower. [11] When signs of Autumn are near, each individual flower on the head will produce a seed. [12] But before the flower sets to seed, the head must open. Once it begins to open, changes begin to happen. Once the head is fully opened, one will be able to see that the individual disk flowers are not yet developed. The head also appears slightly flat. Beginning with the outer edge of the head, the the ring after all the petals, happen to be the male organs: the anthers that produce pollen. The anthers will be leaning in towards the center of the head. After the ring of anthers, come some of the female parts: the style branches. After pollen from another flower has been transported onto the style branches, the disk will begin to shrivel and dry up until it falls. In doing so, it reveals the achenes while the seeds are fully developing. The head of the flower often tilts towards the ground because of the weight of all the seeds on the disk. [13]
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Sunflower uses a method of cross-pollination for reproduction by attracting insects like bees and they spread the reproductive pollen from one flower to another flower.
The ray florets of sunflower are often called as a neuter flower as it does not male or female parts. It helps in attracting insects for pollinating flowers present near them.
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