How do the contractors recruit the workers from the rural areas ?
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what criteria a person is identified as a migrant ?
Recruitment is challenging – and for companies based in rural areas where the talent pool is smaller, it can be doubly so.
We asked Danielle Bragge, VP and co-founder of The Headhunters Recruitment Inc., a company with extensive experience in rural recruitment, for her advice on successfully bringing top candidates to smaller markets.
“People who grow up in rural communities tend to make their way to bigger cities to look for bigger and better opportunities,” Bragge explains. “So you almost have a talent drain.”
The trend, though, is not immutable. With a bit more legwork and strategy, says Bragge, “there should never be a compromise.”
Refusing to compromise on a hire doesn’t mean you won’t still need to be adaptive, though; keeping your standards high may require more sophisticated thinking about exactly what you need. It may require more time. And it may require outside help.
Here are six ways to recruit in rural areas.