English, asked by namratariva4634, 1 year ago

How do the idea conveyed in the poem cold within relate to the society today?


Answered by wwwpritamkaur025

From the poem we can totally relate to today's society as today our society is full of racial, complexion, etc discrimination. It refers to the lack of feelings for, or hatred of, others, which is nothing short of a cardinal sin. Many of us develop this coldness in our hearts out of some prejudice. This prejudice may relate to race, colour, caste, religion or region. It makes us stingy, selfish, greedy or unkind. The idea is that the coldness in one's heart is a kind of death. Had the persons in the poem given their sticks-their sins to be consumed by purifying fire, they might have survived, or might have gone to the other world without the burden of their sins. But they preferred to die with their sins in their minds. The poet gives us a kind of warning to us when he refers to the tragic end.

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