How do we connect wires to the electric cell
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Take four lengths of electric wire with differently coloured plastic coverings. Remove a little of the plastic covering from each length of wire at the ends. This would expose the metal wires at the ends of each length. Fix the exposed parts of the wires to the cell and the bulb .
Now, connect the wires fixed to the bulb with those attached to the cell in six different way. For each arrangement, find out whether the bulb glows or not.
Now, carefully look at the arrangements in which the bulb glows. Compare these with those in which the bulb does not glow. Can you find the reason for the difference?
Keep the tip of your pencil on the wire near one terminal of the electric cell for the arrangment . Move the pencil along the wire all the way to the bulb. Now, from the other terminal of the bulb, move along the other wire connected to the cell. Repeat this exercise for all the other arrangements. Did the bulb glow for the arrangements in which you could not move the pencil from one terminal to the other?
You connected one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal through wires passing to and from the electric bulb. Note that in the arrangements , the two terminals of the electric cell were connected to two terminals of the bulb. Such an arrangement is an example of an electric circuit. The electric circuit provides a complete path for electricity to pass (current to flow) between the two terminals of the electric cell. The bulb glows only when current flows through the circuit.
In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the positive to the negative terminal of the electric cell. When the terminals of the bulb are connected with that of the electric cell by wires, the current passes through the filament of the bulb. This makes the bulb glow.