English, asked by sohanidps, 11 months ago

how do we remain hopeful in the most difficult times and not lose hope easily​


Answered by anukriti22


Points to be hopeful in difficult times:-

  1. Express you feelings to your well-wishers.♥
  2. Go outside and enjoy the nature.❤
  3. Take some time for self-care.
  4. Remember your good times.
  5. Believe in god/Bhagwan/Allah/vaheguruji.
  6. Find was to laugh.
  7. Talk to your friends just like me.

We are always here to support you ok...so don't loose help...

It's the darkest before the sunrise!!❤❤

Answered by tiyamehtaa3632


the answer is within you buddy,ask it to yourself,you are much much much more stronger than you think u are,and if u feel low about yourself,then play with dogs if y have any they are the best therapist,and stressbuster,and if you dont have any then take a teddy bear:),would help alot

to be honest, i had been in depression for 7 years dude, i get you,completely,there are times when we feel that we cannot do this anymore,but at some point or the other we have to do it,we have to fight for our selves...let your inner strength show its power..and shine like a star always:)

takecare,and dont overthink..

hope it helps

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