how do we save a file in Office 2010
After the file has completed use the shortcut key Control + s then new dialogue box will open there you have to give the name time the name and then and and click on save button below the dialogue box now your file is saved
Saving a file in office 2010 is quite simple. The steps to save a file in office 2010 are:
Step 1:
Open your file in office 2010 and give your input or data.
Step 2:
Now we can save the file in three methods. They are:
Method 1:
You can save using the shortcut keys using ctrl+s. Then the computer will ask for the name to save the file with and you can choose the location where you want to save your file.
Method 2:
You can click on the save button next to the file tab and give your file a name and choose a location to store the file eventually.
Method 3:
You can click on the file tab and then click on the save button. Then you can give your file a name and you can save it in any location.