How do you access that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis?
chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants in photosynthesis sunlight energy is mostly used ,green pigment contains starch which help them in photosynthesis process
● Select a multicoloured leaf.
● Place the leaf in dark room for 3 days.
● Place the leaf again in sunlight for 6 hours.
● Identify green parts of the leaf.
● Place the leaf in boiling water.
● Now dip the leaf in alcohol.
● Now boil in alcohol indirectly.
● After few seconds leaf becomes colourless.
● Place this colourless leaf in iodine solution and wash this leaf
with iodine solution.
● Now you can observe that the colourless leaf is turned into
blue colour.
● This indicates that photosynthesis can take place only in the
presence of chlorophyll.
This above experiment proves that chlorophyll helps in
synthesising carbohydrates.