Biology, asked by saivivek383, 1 year ago

How do you appreciate the parthenogenesis​


Answered by bkatherine259


From a single founder virgin female of each species, nine and seven successive parthenogenetic generations of Cloeon dipterum and Cloeon simile, respectively, were reared: all offspring were female. Eggs were removed from final instar nymphs, subimagos and virgin imagos of each generation and their development assessed. The life cycles of 487 individual C. dipterum and 315 C. simile were recorded, together with details of growth rate, egg production and adult size of these and other representatives of each generation. In order to distinguish between the effects of parthenogenesis and the effects of culture conditions, fertilized eggs of both species were reared under the same laboratory conditions.


Answered by khushnaseebahmed17


reproduction through an ovum without fertilization espasialy as a normal process

in some invertibrate and lower vertibrate

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