How do you determine Interactive intermediate?
The third step to providing an interactive lecture is to select an activity from the many possible learning techniques that are available. This is done after the instructor has determined what learning task the students must complete and has selected a potential engagement trigger. Given that the possibilities for technique choice are extensive and new techniques can be formed from premutations and combinations of the basic types, the options are limitless. Several possibilities are shown here and categorized as basic, intermediate and advanced based on preparation and class time required. However, even these classifications are somewhat loose as any of these techniques can be modified to fit all three classifications. Each detailed technique link provides a more thorough description, an explanation of the advantages of the technique, the steps required for implementation, challenges to anticipate, and specific examples.
Think-pair-share activities pose a question to students that they must consider alone and then discuss with a neighbor before settling on a final answer. This is a great way to motivate students and promote higher-level thinking. A think-pair-share can take as little as three minutes (quick-response) or can be longer (extended response), depending on the question or task.
One-minute write activities ask students to stop what they are doing a produce a written response in only one minute. This technique can be used to collect feedback on understanding by asking them to identify what they thought the most confusing point was or to voice a question. It can also allow students an opportunity for immediate application.
Question of the day exercises are short activities for the beginning of class that engage students with the lecture material in a short project that requires students to think actively about the content. The instructors poses a question that is generally not multiple-choice but rather requires short explanations, annotations, calculations, or drawings that develop communication skills as well as higher-level thinking.