How do you justify the statement - "Heart in fishes is a branchial heart"
Branchial heart refers to a muscular arrangement that contracts and pumps blood into the gills.
The heart of fishes is a branchial heart since it pumps blood into the gills via the ventral aorta. Finally, the blood is sent to the somatic vasculature.
Therefore, the branchial and systemic vasculatures are arranged in a series and are connected.
Oxygenation of blood takes place in the gills.
It is clear that fishes are living in water. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are dissolved in water and these two gases are exchanged by fishes through the gills. Water taken through mouth passes backwards between the gill bars and over the gill filaments where this exchange takes place. Therefore it seems quite reasonable that the heart of fish is branchial heart as it’s main function is to pump venous blood to ventral aorta into the gills (branchial).