How do you pronounce 8°4'65" on the world's map.
8°4'65" = 8 degrees 4 minutes 65 seconds
8° is nothing but 8 degrees
4′ is 4 minutes and
65″ is 65 seconds
Earth is divided into two hemispheres.
N means the latitude of the northern hemisphere and S means the latitude of the southern hemisphere.
E means Longitude towards the right of the Prime Meridian. And W means longitude of the left side of the prime meridian.
8°4′N means 8-degree latitude in the Northern hemisphere. And 4′ means 4 minutes and 65″ means 65 seconds.
The globe is divided into a North and South half, by the equator. N means North, S means South of the Equator;
° is the symbol of degrees,
’ that of minutes.
” is the symbol of seconds.
Counting from the Equator to each pole there are 90 degrees: so 8° is 8 divided by 90 of the whole distance to the North Pole.
Each degree is divided into 60 minutes,
4’ means 4 divided by 60 parts towards the North.
There are seconds 65.
So we have a measure of 8°4’65” N.
For more information on hemispheres click below,