How do you see the role of education in shaping the present society? 250words?
Education is very important in today's time. It is often the difference between having a successful job and being in line for the unemployment office. Education is said by Nelson Mandela to be, "..the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." For me education is the gateway to a better life. Our world today addresses so many issues such as women impowerment, civil unrest, poverty etc.At this stage education can help bridge the gap between ethnic, religious and cultural tensions. If people are not raised to be active from their childhood on, to be responsible participants in their communities and to participate in the activities needed towards achieving development, then it is less likely that any form of peace will be sustainable in the long term. And peace is a key ingredient to meaningful progress.Education helps us to be betterly informed citizens of the world about how a proper democracy and electoral process function, leading, ultimately, to creating stable governments for the people and by the people.It helps us to become more critical and challenging of situations that in their current form might not be productive for society. This can be vital for constructive growth.Lastly, education is so much more than formal schooling. There is so much to be learned from our communities – rural and urban – by being more aware and open to exposure. We can then reflect on past failings and injustices, so that we can explore new visions and concepts, new modes of learning and thinking, all of which can help to bring about desired changes in the world