how do you think earthequakes can cause fires
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It is a huge wave causedby an earthquake under the ocean. Tsunamis canbe tens of feet high when they hit the shore and cando enormous damage to the coastline. ... The fourth main earthquakehazard is fire. These fires can be started by broken gas lines and power lines, or tipped over wood or coal stoves.
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Manmade reason---
If earthquake might occur in any industrial areas... and due to earthquake the industry gets effect it can cause fires..
Natural reasons --
Earthquake migth provoke the activity of volcano so if eruption occurs it can cause forest fires and huge destruction.
Hops it helps (。’▽’。)♡
If earthquake might occur in any industrial areas... and due to earthquake the industry gets effect it can cause fires..
Natural reasons --
Earthquake migth provoke the activity of volcano so if eruption occurs it can cause forest fires and huge destruction.
Hops it helps (。’▽’。)♡
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