Science, asked by rv338687, 9 months ago

How do you think renewable resources such as sunlight and water can contribute
towards conserving fossil fuels?​


Answered by Anonymous

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are non renewable or exhaustible natural resources, therefore their stock present on the earth is in a limited quantity.

On the other hand, sunlight, water and air are renewable or inexhaustible natural resources, therefore they are present in an unlimited quantity on earth.

Yes, renewable resources can contribute towards conserving fossil fuels. Instead of using fossil fuels, we can use solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy in their place for heating, lighting and for the generation of electricity. Instead of using coal for heating and lighting purposes, we can use solar energy through solar panels. We can even use wind and tidal energy for the generation of electricity. Electricity generated by water is called hydroelectricity.

Why are fossil fuels exhaustible natural resources?

Fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources because their stock present on the earth is in a limited quantity, therefore they get affected by human activities. Once the present stock of fossil fuels is exhausted, then it takes thousands of years to form them. Moreover we can't prepare fossil fuels in laboratory because the conditions required for their formation cannot be prepared in laboratories and they will take thousands of years to form.

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