Science, asked by isarailpathan1, 9 months ago

How does a karate player breaks a slab of ice with a single blow ?


Answered by ashising2704


A karate master can break a pile of? tiles or a slab of ice with a single blow because he strikes it very fast and in the process produces a lage momentum of his hand which is reduced to zero in a very short time when his hand strikes the tiles. this exerts a large force on the pile of tiles thus breaking it.

Answered by HMChaudry1592



How does a karate player break a pile of tiles or slab of ice with a single blow? When the karate player strikes the pile or slab fast, the entire momentum of the hands reduces to zero in a very short span of time. Therefore, the force exerted on the ice slab or pile of tiles is large enough to break it.


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