Sociology, asked by IᴛᴢWɪɴᴛᴇʀBᴇᴀʀ, 10 months ago

How does a lie detector works
Explain briefly.......​


Answered by aalekhagarwal3k


If you're like most people, lying makes your heart race. It makes you pant. It drives up your blood pressure and makes you drip sweat. A polygraph machine detects lies by looking for signs of these physiological changes.

However, knowing how the machines work, you can beat them by lying with your body as well as your words. [Why We Lie]

When you're taking a polygraph test, the machine first registers the baseline of your vital signs. Examiners then trick you into lying by asking you a series of "control" questions that are only distantly related to the issue they're investigating, such as "Did you ever lie to get out of trouble?" or "Have you ever committed a crime?" Most examinees will answer "no" to such questions they're trying to come across as honest but examiners assume that the answer to at least one control question will really be "yes" (after all, you've probably lied at some point or another, and jay-walked). As soon as the examinee tells such a white lie, it puts a blip on the polygraph machine that serves as a signature of that examinee's lies.

Answered by erossnow686

Hey mate please click on it and check it

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