Physics, asked by anuradhayp, 1 year ago

How does a musician playing on a flute change the pitch of sound produced by it​


Answered by vsk007


To soften the volume of the flute's sound, one must simply use less air. Changing the embouchure will only change the flute's pitch. To increase the volume, use more air. Open your throat and make sure you know the difference between more air and faster air. Faster air and a tighter embouchure will make the pitch higher, rather than louder.

Answered by ritiksingh73796532


it is only by air vibration.


when musicians play the flute then he maintain the air vibration by there fingers. When he blow the air in it then the vibration of sound is more in first hole and after that it's start decrease by this he leave some vibration of air out and some inside it and play it in different notes.

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