Biology, asked by Apurva2146, 1 year ago

How does amoeba obtain food


Answered by ffdkfn

Answer:Amoeba obtains its food by the process of endocytosis. ... It engulfs the food particle with the help of pseudopodia and then forms a vacuole around it. When the particle is completely trapped the amoeba secretes digestive enzymes that digests the food. thus the amoeba obtains it's food.

Answered by anidruth26


amoeba obtains food through holozoic nutrition by a process called phagocytosis


phagocytosis: it process by which certain living cells called phagocytes ingest or engulf other cells or particles.  phagocytosis is a means of feeding. In higher animals phagocytosis is chiefly a defensive reaction against infection and invasion of the body by foreign substances (antigens).

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