how does an advertisement get made??
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Consumer advertising gets made as part of a process of moving from an idea to a product. The client will work with a variety of advisors including Innovation Consultant, Creative Agency, Production House and Media Agency. Each advisor contributes to the process of creating the advertising
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i will give you example in following
in hindi
ख़ुश ख़बर! ख़ुश ख़बर! ख़ुश ख़बर!
जी हान आपक लिये लाई है हम ek ज़बरदस्त छूट
२००० की खरीदी पर ५०० रुपए वापस
सुबह २:०० से रात १०:०० तक दुकान खुली होंगी
near panchaki, supermarket,Habib's shop
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आए और मौके का भरपूर लाभ उठाए
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