Biology, asked by shahreenbano3539, 1 year ago

How does an amoeba obtain its food in short answer in brainly?


Answered by divya001
Hey user , here's your answer ..

Amoeba obtains its food by the process of endocytosis.
It has flexible cell membrane. It engulfs the food particle with the help of pseudopodia and then forms a vacuole around it.
When the particle is completely trapped the amoeba secretes digestive enzymes that digests the food.

Hope it will be helpful :)
Answered by Itzalien19

Amoeba consumes it's food by the process of endocytosis. it is flexible cell membrane . it engulfs the food particles with the help of pseudopodia and then forms a couple around it. when the particle is completely trapped the amoeba secrets digestive enzymes to digest food thus the amoeba obtains it's food.

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