English, asked by jenny1409, 5 months ago

How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a
balcony attached to his room? Look back at his detailed description
of it. What makes it a convincing story?


Answered by Dynamicarmies


possible was a man with great Ausable was a man of great presence of  mind and mental preparednessThrough his ability to think quickly and act calmly and wisely in a situation of panic he makes a convincing story that Max had probably trapped into his room through the balcony for someone actually did it last month .Again when someone knocked at the door Ausable once again takes advantage of the event and continues his tale by telling that it might be the police for he had asked them to check on him if everything was fine .In this way he takes Max into his confidence who end up jumping out into the non-existing balcony to protect himself from getting arrested but actually dies.

Answered by Mihir1001
 \underline{ \large \red{ \bf Question}} : -

How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room? Look back at his detailed description of it. What makes it a convincing story?

 \underline{ \large \green{ \bf Solution}} : -

Ausable tells Max that someone entered his room through the balcony before also. He also told him that he had asked police to give him protection as he had some important papers with him. On listening Max became nervous and just wanted to escape from police, as a result without noticing he jumped out of the window and fell down. Ausable's ability to think quickly and calmly, in a situation of panic makes it convincing.

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