How does chemical coordination take place in animals?
⭕️Chemical coordination takes place in animals with the help of hormones.
⭕️Animals are more complex than plants so they are having many specialised organs that perform specialised functions.
⭕️ The regulation of these processes, and controlling is coordinated by hormones which comes under the endocrine system !
⭕️Hormones are the chemical fluids.
⭕️They are secreted by endocrine glands!
⭕️Hormones regulate the overall growth and development of the animals.
Hormones facilitate chemical control in animals. Hormones are chemicals which are directly released in bloodstream. A particular hormone reaches the target site through blood. Hormone tells the target tissue to behave in a particular manner.
To understand this, let us takes the example of adrenalin. Adrenalin is secreted by adrenal gland. It reaches the heart and lungs and also to the GI tract. Heart speeds up its pumping action so that more blood could be supplied to the limbs and facial muscles. But activity of the GI tract is slowed down to ensure better blood supply in limbs. Thus, adrenalin prepares the body for a fight or flight situation.