CBSE BOARD X, asked by Rohitahlawat7137, 7 months ago

How does dance originated in Manipur and I want it in a short story


Answered by sanyasaxena317


the love story of radha Krishna are commonly acted out in manipuri dance drama performances . manipur dance is also known as jagoi is one of the major indian classical dance .....

Answered by AashutoshKrMondal


thanks for Free point

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Get a laugh with these top 10 English jokes

by Grace Grossmann

June 30, 2020

The English love a good laugh. They are known to be sarcastic and to laugh at themselves – why not? Laughter and very funny jokes in English are the best medicine, after all! It can be tricky to get the English humour at first because it concerns a lot of silliness and sarcasm, but we’ve got you sorted. We’ve compiled the top ten English jokes, so if you are in the UK you won’t feel lost or you might even crack a joke one day.

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