How does dispersion of seeds take place?
it takes place by various reasons like :
other animals eat the seed and disperse it
the plant itself has mechanisms like popping, holding on to animals ,etc
please mark me as brainly
Seeds are dispersed away from parent plant by various methods.They are called pollinating methods and what the things which helps in dispersing the seds away are called pollinating agents.
Some methods of pollination:-
By wind:-Some seeds are very light weighted and are easy carrued away by the wind.Fir example:-Sunflower seeds,rice, corn etc.
By water:-Some seeds are adapted to float on water as they have a hairy fibrous outgrowth which helps them to float.For example:-Coconut.
By insect/animals:-Some seeds are very sticky and are stuck to animals' fur or feet of insects like bees or butterflies and get disperesed.