English, asked by mparihar6285, 5 months ago

How does dr kalam Established a personal Cris may be truning point in one life


Answered by hindavi26


Kalam established that the reaction to the situation can be a turning point in one's life.

1. Reaction to a situation matters a lot. An individual either gets dejected or angry when mocked. Dejection is for cowards, whereas it can be a turning point in one's life to stand up and fight

2. Kalam provides an example of how Gandhiji handled the injustice he was subjected to. Through non-violence, which Mandela embraced and achieved after 26 years in prison, Gandhiji paved the way to uproot apartheid in South Africa.

3. Gandhiji's non-violent movement in South Africa, on the other hand, became a precursor of India's independence movement.  Similarly, After his visit to bloodied Kalinga war area, Ashoka's decision to pursue Ahimsa Dharma dawned.

4. It should also be recalled that how we react to a crisis not only becomes a turning point in one's life, but equally affects others' lives.


Hope it helps u…mark as a brainliest

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