English, asked by akh2008khan, 4 months ago

How does Eskimos ear their living


Answered by anshikavashishth4


they hunted animals such as caribou and sea mammals for food. They used animal bones to make harpoons and fish hooks. They live in extended families,with each member contributing to work.


Hopd it helps you

Answered by somug2006


---->Eskimos mostly found in greenland

they live in igloos which was made with snow and ice

----->they mostly hunts an animal named caribou for food and apso hunts polar bear.

----->To travel from one place to another, they used sleds pulled over the snow and ice by strong dogs. On the waters of the Arctic Ocean, small boats called “kayaks” were used for hunting while larger boats called “umiaq” transported people, dogs, and supplies.

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