Political Science, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

how does federalism ensure accommodation of diversities ​


Answered by shlokDesai


The existing ethnic federal arrangement of the Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) is devised with the aim to accommodate the interests of distinct ethnic groups in Ethiopia. This paper attempted to conceptualize federalism as a tool for ethnic diversity accommodation through reviewing the existing literatures on federalism, FDRE and south regional state constitution, city proclamations, and primary data from interview made and with researchers’ interpretive arguments. The finding reveals that federalism at city government status contributes to accommodate rights, interests, needs and claims of competing ethnic groups, especially of ethnic minorities better at kebele institutional structures than at city institutional structures. At city institutional structures the indigenous groups are better protected rather than the non indigenous groups. Hence, the success of this process highly depends on the mechanisms adopted for sharing powers and responsibilities; the nature, subject and degree of decentralized power; and the willingness of authorities to allow the groups to exercise those powers, with other factors. Finally, This Paper tries to recommend complementary legal instrument for farther enhancement of ethinic diversity accommodation at city government status.

Keywords: Federalism, ethnic diversity, minority claims, ethnic accommodation, Indigenous groups , Non indigenous groups, veto power, FDRE (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), SNNPRS(the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State)

Wondwossen Mengistu is bachelor of teaching professional with academic background - B.A in History from Bahir Dar university and Masters of Art in Federalism and Local government studies from Ethiopian civil service university, and more than 7 years of relevant experience and expertise in teaching and lecturing various civics and ethical education courses at different levels of educational institutions. Furthermore beyond teaching, I have authentic experiences in conducting researches on sensitive issues and vulnerable groups of the society.


With the increase of ethnic conflicts and ethnic groups’ mobilizations for ethno-nationalism to secure and share state power, the concept of federalism has also been getting attention in ethnically plural countries, and many of them have taken advantages of adopting federalism as policies for the empowerment of diverse groups in their state nation-building process.[1] Similarly, the requests and supports for the adaptation of different forms of institutional structure as to accommodate a number of political and administrative demands and claims emerging from different ethnic groups within a country has also increased in the recent past.[2]

On the above backdrop, this paper try to conceptualize federalism as one essential devise to accommodate rights, needs, claims and demands emerging among diverse ethnic groups. The major objectives of this paper is to identify the ways that federalism take in accommodating concerns and priorities of diverse population, especially of minority groups in terms of ethnic, language and cultural differences within the city government status and try to recommend what should be its complementary mechanism for further enhancement of accommodation of diversity through applying different legal instrument.

Thus, this paper is divided into four major parts. The first part deals with the analysis of the FDRE constitution in accommodating diversity. The next section briefly analysis the constitution of the south region in accommodating diversity and thirdly the paper deals with brief back ground analyses of the Hawasa city. Last but not the least, deals and examines the practical accommodation of ethnic diversity in Hawassa city institutional structures as provided in the city proclamation of the region.

1. General over view of the FDRE constitution in accommodating Ethnic diversity

Though not automatically related to accommodation of diversity, federalism as an instrument provides both shared and self rule and unity in diversity.[3] The reason for Ethiopia in the current constitution recognized federalism as one essential mechanism is to accommodate its multi faceted diversity.

The most significant and unique features of the FDRE constitution is its recognition and accommodation of the ethnic groups of the Ethiopian society. The preamble starts with claiming ‘we the nations ,nationalities and peoples with the objective of building unity in diversity and one economic – political community; Ensuring a lasting peace respecting rule of law and individual and group right.’[4]


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