how does heating affect oxalate solution?
what is the equation
All reactions require the activation of energy and correct orientation. Oxalic acid is generally warmed slightly because it is not completely soluble and heat helps this.Also if you do not heat the mixtures the reactants wont have enough activation energy(in a short time)to start the reaction even if they are in the correct orientation.However if you heat,the heat energy gained by particles convert it to kinetic energy,so they move with higher speed.This results in higher frequency of collision among particles,so,increased frequency of effective collision.Thus,the rate of of reaction increases and you will be able to obtain your result in shorter time.(effective collision means success of reaction i.e. products formed)
Kinetic control,not thermodynamic.Many thermodynamically favorable reactions e.g.combustion of hydrocarbon fuels,requires high temperature for initiation. The permanganate/oxalic acid reaction requires higher than ambient temperatures to proceed at a rate sufficient for accurate titration
Thermodynamically favorable reactions may be kinetically slow because intermediate states needed for reaction to proceed are high in energy,often because strong bonds must first be weakened or broken. In hydrocarbon combustion O-O bonds in O2 and stronger C-C and C-H bonds in the hydrocarbon must first break,before even stronger C-O and H-O bonds form so that there is overall release of energy.
I hope my answer helps you.....✌
Sodium oxalate, or disodium oxalate, is the sodium salt of oxalic acid with the formula Na2C2O4. It is a white, crystalline, odorless solid, that decomposes above 290 °C.