English, asked by zeyawalida9, 11 months ago

how does ICT support EFL?


Answered by yogichaudhary
Information and communication technologies are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy. These technologies are also being used to enable teachers to do administrative tasks more efficiently.

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Anonymous: nice avatar yogi
Anonymous: i mean scary
Anonymous: 〣( ºΔº )〣
Anonymous: its okay
Answered by varuncharaya20
The teacher has generally been considered " an educational authority " , " a dispenser of knowledge " , " someone in charge of telling " , etc. However, with the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom, knowledge resources have become accessible to the student in ways that are beyond teacher's control. And given the fact that the students are generally conceived as " digital natives " , " screen generation " , etc., owing to their familiarity with ICT, the teacher's traditional role has been reconsidered by educational researchers. In that connection, this study attempts to investigate EFL teachers' view on the possible impact that ICT could have on their role at Majma'ah University. A questionnaire comprising sixteen traditional and ICT-oriented roles was administered to thirty participants in different campuses of Majma'ah University to collect data to verify three hypotheses: (1) There is a significant difference between participants' preferences for traditional and ICT-oriented roles. (2) Most EFL faculty favor ICT-oriented roles over traditional roles. (3) ICT-oriented roles are equally valuable to most EFL faculty. Statistical analysis of the data confirmed the first and the second hypotheses but rejected the third.
(PDF) EFL Teacher’s Role in ICT-oriented Classroom: The Case of Majma'ah University. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312800729_EFL_Teacher's_Role_in_ICT-oriented_Classroom_The_Case_of_Majma'ah_University [accessed Sep 08 2018].
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