Psychology, asked by llɱissMaɠiciaŋll, 11 months ago

How does it feel to not exist?​


Answered by akilnithya


There are two things in the universe: energy; and, information, which is the conformation of energy. Matter is called alpha code information. That which was called the universe is just a world in an infinity of worlds, Each world starts with a Big Bang of information (Froth) which finally undifferentiates back into energy (Broth); from Froth to Broth. Capacitance causes consciousness. There has always been, and will be, enough information to present enough capacitance to keep energy conscious eternally. What causes a "Big Bang"? The infinitesimal point nothingness, . (Ain), is rastered by time into timespace, U (Ain Suph), which being the one substance exerts its oneness in one direction, / , that stirs closed circuitry, O , that all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clashes, X

and this is a Big Bang (Ain Suph Aur), that causes the Froth, information, that is pushed into confluency, = , to undifferentiate back into undifferentiated energy, the Broth. The basic polarities are counterclockwise, vO^, and clockwise, ^Ov, which, when they come face to face, are confluent, and can totally undifferentiate in one another, becoming individually nonexistent. When the capacitance of the substance p neurons, in the arising reticular formation of the medulla oblongata, is allowed to be reduced by ambient solvents, consciousness is lost by the reduction in capacitance allowing more undifferentistion. Total undifferentiation, right down to the exact Planck's volume, guarantees the eternal satisfaction of all desires. In every world (what was called a universe) the one force is to undifferentiate all the differentiations (the Froth) back into the undifferentiated (the Broth). All

pleasures are motions in that direction, so that, total undifferentiation is the eternal satisfaction of all desires. Everything is trying to go that way. But, orthogonality, which is inevitable in the Froth, interferes. The release of all energy, and the attainment of relief (pleasure), is facilitated by shunting orthogonality, to allow undifferentiation of Froth back into Broth.

Back, B.C., Before Computers, the internet, that is, I worked for a human rights organization, the Knowledge Rights Educational League, that spread secrets that were criterions for causing wide spread human suffering by their suppression.

When it's owner and founder, an associate of the late and murdered Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Dr. Hans Rauger died, the organization was torn apart by its enemies. But, several of us employees kept in touch and continued the crusade of the Knowledge Rights Educational League. We spread such secrets to eliminate these causes of such human suffering, for, when everybody knows, They can't get everybody.

Answered by hareem23

You will probably have to sit in the quiet for this, if you aren’t used to it.

Let’s not play at this; let’s not do a fanciful imagination maybe derived from Hollywood. Let’s not do that. Let’s be real.

Sit well balanced so you don’t fall when you completely let go of all tension. The knack will take a while to acquire.

Ideas will come, let them go, do not hang on to them. They are happy to float by without your grabbing at them. As for the insistent ones, you can imagine patting them gently on the head, pointing them at freedom, then behaving with benign reserve until they go away.

At first it may be useful to attend to your relaxed breathing, simply because your tendency is to cling to something, and breathing is available without being intrusive.

But then, let your breathing conduct itself. Breathe out, let go, be still without tension. I did not tell you to breathe in, your body will take care of that. You may yawn. When you have yawned enough, be still. Eventually your lungs will want to sigh. Let them. Let yourself fall into your stable heap, still sitting upright.

You will spend a long time breathing out, a long time. A long time with no breath in you - without holding - with no breath in you, a long time yawning in, a long time with full lungs, exchanging molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide, noticing the nitrogen, moisture and other air gases as you sit together with them.

Forget you are breathing.

all this time, when you have learnt how to do it, carry an idea.

carry your idea that you remember, you recall

you recall starting this, but you need not hang on to that

maybe you recall last week

maybe an unpleasant memory shrieks at you

be kind, let it go

you recall a wonderful moment

let it join the cosmos

no need to hang on

carry the idea, the idea to recall something earlier


and before that

before that

let them go , the ideas

you remember your first memory

your first memory

before that

even before that

three months before you were born

without words, without fantasy, you experience that

let it be

six months before

breathe without breathing, it breathes for you

eight months

some weeks before that, you recall

it is an unusual experience, you are not used to it

let it go

it’s fine with itself

no need to cling


let it go

before that

let go


now it is a year before, maybe well over

you do not exist here

let it be, you doing this ‘not exist’

you have returned

let it be

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