How does it feel when someone is different than us? What can you do to include someone?
here is your answer hope it helps ☺️
1 = The way we think of ourselfs affects the way other people view us. In other words , we are what we think we are considered. As a matter of fact, you dinstinguish yourself from others and choose to make a category of your own. On the one hand this might seem as a “no big deal” but in the longterm it will define the way others view you , as it eventually happened. See people tend to categorise others in order to become familiar with them. So if you make a new category they can’t understand , they become hostile or as you put it , will start considering you weird. Now that’s the nature of your problem but not the solution. The true problem is your self-esteem which I fear it’s low and that’s what makes things easier for people that want to hurt you. See when a man has high self-esteem does not really care about the other’s opinion of him and focuces on what truly matters and that’s something the others admire and want to emulate. So instead of blaming yourself about your choices ,embrace him with all his pros and cons and try to show the world who you truly are. Just take action and try to avoid being the victim, the vulnerable and you’ll notice that in time people will stop harassing you. Also as you said you are goodlooking so this might help firstly with the ladies and then it will make the other dudes admire you. Also you should improve even more your current hobbies because they might help you in the future no matter what others say. See everything it’s a matter of perspective and what today appears to be your weakest point , tomorrow might prove to be one of your greatest strengths. The only thing you need to do is focus more on your logic than on your negative feelings.
2 = To include someone is to bring them IN so that they feel like they are a part of something. It could be as simple as a conversation, engaging in an activity together, or asking them to participate in a group