How does latitude affect India's climate?
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=>Latitude eases our understanding for studying geography. The most routine usage of it is to impart data about distance from the equator. The farther you are from the equator, the greater is the latitude.
=>Climate differs from weather. Climate is averaged weather conditions for a prolonged time period, say 30 years while weather changes on a daily basis.
=>By applying common sense, we can predict that since equator receives most insolation, it might have the hottest conditions around, but geography isn’t that easy to catch. The most hottest areas are the in fact, the tropics. The reason behind being prevalence of clouds on the equator that reflect most of the insolation.
=>Climate varies due to various factors say, Altitude, Distance from the sea etc, latitude being one of them. Specifically talking about India, Tropical Monsoon type climate exists here and is unpredictable to a large extent.
=>Now not extending the answer to it’s lengths, in a nutshell latitude just plays the part of insolation received. Since you asked me to mention just about the latitude and also since generalisation of whole of India’s climate can’t be done, the most nearest climate for whole of India seems to be tropical hot and humid type. (Now this is a broad generalisation)