How does latitude and longitudes affect the climate of india?
1) LATITUDE - Due to the curvature of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received is different according to the latitudes.
2) ALTITUDE - As we go higher, temperature generally decreases (From equator to poles) as the atmosphere becomes less dense.
3)PRESSURE AND WIND SYSTEM - They depend on the latitude and altitude of a place, thus influencing the rainfall patterns.
DISTANCE FROM SEA - The sea has a moderating effect on the climate. As distance from sea increases, this effect decreases and places experience extreme weather conditions (continentality).
OCEAN CURRENTS - They affect the climate of the coastal areas with the onshore winds.
RELIEF - High mountains act as barriers for cold/hot winds, may also cause precipitation if they are high enough and lie in the path of rain bearing winds. The leeward side of the mountains remains dry.