Music, asked by kavyasmilingstar, 8 months ago

How does marketing helps to


Answered by itzHitman


Role of Marketing in society:-

Marketing is the process and through this process business and organization promote themselves and their products by communication with potential customers. Marketing promote work and increase activity for the purpose of welfare of society.

Marketing is very important for the welfare of society. Marketing helps to any country to run their economical system easily.

Business organization spends huge money on marketing to improve their sales but marketing also benefits as a whole activity.

Marketing helps to growth properly society and the society’s people. Marketing gather the power of the economical strength for society improvement.

Answered by sarikav952


Marketing drives a consumer economy, promoting goods and services and targeting consumers most likely to become buyers. Higher sales for a business that employs successful marketing strategies translate into expansion, job creation, higher tax revenue for governments and, eventually, overall economic growth.

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