Music, asked by melanieafton11, 2 months ago

How does music contribute to the enrichment of culture as well as to your own faith? Name your favorite song. What is in that song that makes it your favorite? Does it help you to become a good child? How?


Answered by zeppelin

"If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music"

- Jimi Hendrix

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing :)

This is common knowledge that music can influence us a lot. It can impact illness, depression, spending, productivity and our perception of the world.

As for how it contributes to the enrichment of culture as well as our faith, the answer is quite complicated and controversial.

The popular music of our day reflects the culture of our day. We can see the fingerprints of a certain generation in the lyrics and sound of that time. Look at the 60s for example and how psychedelic rock and protest songs influenced the counterculture!

I believe that morals and behavior, especially in teens, aren't completely steered by the lyrics they're listening to, because there are so many factors to building a moral compass. However, music can definitely play a significant role in determining what seems to be right or wrong, okay or not okay, and good or bad.

Music has the potential to change a mood, to shift an atmosphere, and to encourage a different behavior.

However, some cultures view 'music' as 'immoral' or even associate it with 'satanic worship'... weird right?

It is true, that some songs do have 'indecent' and 'sexually suggestive' lyrics, but not all songs are bad!

But nevertheless, there's no denying that music has great power to heal broken souls. I believe that those who really love and care about music are the ones who grew up listening to songs that touched them and spoke to them in a profound way.It has the power to take us back down memory lane, to revive a nostalgic feeling in us. I remember being in middle school when the music I listened to defined so much of my identity.

When I come to think of it, I still can't remember my ABC's without reciting it in a singsong manner ;)

If I have to memorise a list, I usually remember it better when I sing it, you know. Music provides an entertaining form of repetition that is so conducive to memory and it's a key part of growing our cultural identity.

My favourite song...

(Please note that this is totally my own opinion- I do not mean to offend any one)

I just love music! Especially the 60-70s stuff. Classic rock, folk songs and blues- that's my jam..

My favourite song? Well that would be hard to choose. But, I'll just say that I'm a great fan of Dylan. Why? Is there any other poet and philosopher who can match up to his songwriting skills? His distinct narrating skills and lyrics- that's what makes him the best. In my opinion, he's arguably one of the finest intellectual of all times.

It's funny how listening to his songs changed my whole life and lent me a different perspective into viewing the world. His songs usually grapples with complex themes and philosophical ideas.

And there's no denying how much influence the man had on various cultural as well as political domains- in the Folk Revival scene, classic rock, hippie movement, fashion, etc

Of course there are many other musicians out there who are also great, but Bob's definitely my all time favourite..

Peace ✌️

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