How does reduce reuse and recycle affect in conservation of water?
Did you know it takes 24 gallons of water to make 1 pound of plastic? That's why we recommend reducing, reusing and recycling.
The best thing to do is reduce the amount of waste that we produce. When buying things look for items that are durable and can be reused. Also avoid extra packaging that will make its way to landfills. If you don't buy a chemical product in the first place it has no chance to pollute water.
Next best is reusing items. This means using the same bag, cup, or clothes over and over to avoid getting new or disposable ones. One item that gets used a hundred times is far better than a hundred items getting used once.
Equally important is recycling. Recycling, and buying recycled products means a lot less energy and resources are being wasted to bring you a product. Although recycling programs are more common today there is still work to be done. Every year Americans throw out 51 billion aluminum cans, 85% of office paper, and 70% of all metal, along with tons of batteries, paint, and used motor oil.
Did You Know...? Simple Things You Can Do:Making paper from recycled content rather than virgin fiber creates 74 percent less air pollution and 35% less water pollution.Recycling one aluminum can saves 95% of the energy used to make a can from raw materials. That is enough energy to run a laptop for 4 hours.One cotton T-shirt takes 50 gallons of water and 150 grams of agricultural chemicals to make.Recycling is less effective than reducing and reusing goods. Start a recycling program at home or school.Use the same container for drinks everyday.Collect unused goods and donate them to Good Will or The Salvation Army.
Start a compost pile.
Bring your own bags when shopping.
Call 1-800 numbers and request to be removed from junk mail lists. (
Make a point to buy recycled goods.