How does reproduction in amoeba differ from paramecium?
Both reproduce asexually and are similar in size. The main difference between an amoeba and a paramecium is in the way that each organism moves. The surface of a paramecium is covered with hair like structures called cilia. ... In contrast, the surface of an amoeba does not have any cilia.
both amoebae and paramecia are small, single celled organisms that live in fresh water. In many ways, they are very similar.
The main difference between an amoeba and a paramecium is in the way that each organism moves. The surface of a paramecium is covered with hair like structures called cilia. These all beat in a coordinated fashion to propel the paramecium forward.
In contrast, the surface of an amoeba does not have any cilia. Instead, amoebae move in a crawling motion by temporarily pushing forward small parts of their body to form structures called pseudopodia (which means false foot).