Biology, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

how does reproduction occurs in human beings!


Answered by myrakincsem

Reproduction in humans is described as below:


  • The mode of reproduction in humans is internal fertilization.

  • The male sperm travels to the female egg during coitus.

  • The sperm cells, when fertilized by the egg cell develops into an embryo.

  • This embryo starts growing in the female womb through different developmental stages.

  • Usually, after 9 months the baby become fully developed to be released from the female womb.
Answered by kumarkapil2864


sexual reproduction occurs in human beings......

male germ cell fuses with female germ cell ( ovum) to produce zygote...

then this fertilized zygote converted into embryo...

and embryo get NUTRITION from mother blood with the help of a specialised tissue called placenta........

time period from fertilization upto the birth of the baby is called gestation period.....

hope its helpful too you.....

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