how does science look at a man
Since science maintains its objectivity in every inquiry, only the observable phenomena are considered to be valid. Science therefore looks at man on the level of that which is observable.
Human science (or human sciences in the plural), also known as humanistic social science and moral science (or moral sciences), studies the philosophical, biological, social, and cultural aspects of human life. Human science aims to expand our understanding of the human world through a broad interdisciplinary approach.
Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.
At the beginning of his famous Treatise of Human Nature the philosopher David Hume declared, boldly, that “'[t]is evident that all the sciences have a relation, greater or less, to human nature; and that however wide any of them may seem to run from it, they still return back by one passage or another.”
The human society is continuously undergoing development through the harnessing of Information and knowledge in the form of Science. This has affected our everyday lives, value systems, our environment and even power structures. Science affects us in every way and every day.
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