Economy, asked by renekitson8366, 2 months ago

How does society change and mold people?


Answered by hameedmohammad669


Society shapes our personality. That means who we socialize with molds who you are as a person. Through the process of socialization you learn values, morals, beliefs, norms, and your role in this world. The people who we surround ourselves with are the ones that influence us the most.society plays a huge role in molding teens' behavior, character and attitude. It determines how they see other people, their general outlook, and their ethics. You as parents can influence all these things as well, but the things that will stick with the kids for long haul are learned from the society.

Answered by lohanisudi97


Society plays a huge role in molding teens' behavior, character and attitude. It determines how they see other people, their general outlook, and their ethics. You as parents can influence all these things as well, but the things that will stick with the kids for long haul are learned from the society

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