How does the author reflect on the ' habitat and manners’ of inhabitants encountered by the time traveller.
The Time Traveler
Moses was a scientiest who discoverd a time machine and travelled
at different times.While he went to the Prehistoric Times,he met the inhabitants.They then went back in time to far before the rise of Humans. There, they met the inhabitants of a crashed Time Tank from the era they'd just come from. The vehicle was unusable, and everyone was trapped in this era. They all formed a new colony of Humans, with Nebogipfel teaching science to accelerate the colony's development. Finally, he was able to repair the Time Car, using components from both wrecked time machines. He and the Time Traveler finally left that era, after the Time Traveler made one last contribution - by having sex with one of the women in the colony, he added to the tiny gene pool. Then, they traveled forward in time to see what had become of the human colony they'd planted far in the past.
heya guys stay at home and stay safe