How does the balanced diet of a child differ from a grown up man
Balanced diet is a diet in which all the nutrients are include which are essential for our body like proteins & minerals vitamins fats and carbohydrates.
Child needs less calories than an adult man because an adult man body functions more.
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A diet that contains all the important nutrients in the right amount is called a complete or a balanced diet. The different food contains different varieties of nutrients such as pulses contain protein; ghee contains fats;
wheat-rice contain carbohydrates; spinach contains vitamins; watermelon contains sugar and minerals, etc. No single food item can provide us all the essential nutrients in adequate amount. So, in order to make a balanced diet, we should include a variety of food items in our daily meals which taken together provide us all the nutrients in
adequate amount.
For example:
A balanced diet of a growing child should contain more of protein-rich foods than the diet of a grown-up man. A growing child also needs more minerals such as calcium and phosphorus for the formation of bones, organs and tissue. A balanced diet of a man doing hard physical work is different from another man doing normal work. A man doing hard physical work (like a labourer, farmer or carpenter) needs more nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc., in his diet than another man doing normal work.