How does the ghost undermine the narrator's faith in his ability to write ghost stories?
Question:- How does the ghost undermine the narrator's faith in his ability to write ghost stories?
Answer:- The ghost undermine the narrator's faith in his ability to write ghost stories by telling him how he has been helping him with all those ideas about his stories. Without a help he would not have written his stories.
The narrator is sure that ghost stories specialize in him. He never refuses Jenkins whenever he demands a ghost story for his magazine. He had always been able to dig up one for him. So he has started feeling overconfident about his ability to write on the supernatural everytime. But the lady ghost tells him that he always call her to help him in writing a ghost story. Many a time she has leaned on his shoulder to give him ideas. Now, he will not get more ideas or plots of ghost stories for him. In this way, the lady ghost undermines the narrator's ability to write ghost stories