how does the growth of population affects its level of development?
The effect of population growth can be positive or negative depending on the circumstances. A large population has the potential to be great for economic development, but limited resources and a larger population puts pressures on the resources that do exist. ... Different countries have different natural resources.
The consequences of population growth on economic de-velopment have attracted the attention of economist ever since Adam Smith wrote in his “Wealth of Nations”. Adam Smith wrote, “The annual labor of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all thenecessaries and con-veniences of life”. It wasonly Malthus and Ricardo who created an alarm about the effect of population growth on
the economy. But their fears have proved unfounded be-cause population growth inWestern Europe has led to its rapidindustrialization. It is sometimes said that agrowing population helps in economic development by providing an
expanding markets for goods. But it is an erroneous view.
Actually over-population retards economic development.
All efforts at economic development under fast growing
population turn out to be “Writing on sand with waves of
population growth washing away all that we have written”.